My Edge
The saying goes: "What you wear defines you," while I once heard a local TV host brainwashing the viewers with the line "Dress up, you never know who you'll meet." I'm here to record down how I choose my gear-ups so when I'm a few years older, maybe I can look back at this entry. Who knows, I might be laughing till I can lick my elbow over my stupidity. hmm.
So, how do I choose my clothes? What rules do I adhered to?
In fact, The only rule I've clinged on to: Be true to myself.
Wear what I want, what I like lor. I mean, who doesn't? Do you wear something you dont like? LoL. hmm, I guess the only specific brand that I've been going after is Billabong. Not that I'm attached to it or what, It's just.. the stuff rocks most of the time! My another "fetishes" are with crosses, yup. I like the designs, and even very simple and plain ones. They look so perfetc. hehe. My friends' common misconception of me is that I go for expensive and branded apparels. Actually, I go for what I think is great and not necessarily $$$. Also sometimes, I try to get clothes that are really nice but I dont like at that very moment, this is so as to get use to them and to start liking them. Funny me. LoL. Currently, my heart is falling for emerald. Yup, you might say it's a ladies colours. But like pink, you are wearing it now. I just reckon the colour's really "deep", "immersed" and me.
I'm sure you've look at celebrities and said, "I couldn't believe s/he dressed in that, goodness freak". You might even look in your closet and find "funny" clothings. haha.. Most of us have that moments, but just trust in yourself. Fashion is always changing, and you might really look gorgeously stunning in those clothes once before. hehe..
Reinventing myself. I do want to do it everytime like Madonna always exhibit, but *Kaching~!$$$* I've got no capital to keep changing styles. So, instead, you'll see me experimenting with my clothes and see me growing and developing. Mix and match, that's how you get your own style. Cutting, adding this and that, turn it inside out, layers, colours and much more. Don't have any routines like they say taureans do, I'm a strange taurean. Yes, I really do hate to be defined. But I do have a bad habit, I may have ten tees and all I focus on are only three of them. But I'm trying to overcome that. haha..
Personally, any styles as long as it's good to me. I may be taking ideas from you. Yup. I don't find it really fun following the crowd. I dont like the idea of sticking to a dress code like Jap, Hip-hop, casual, or whatsoever. Let me be me. Don't like to follow, and I dont like to lead. Just wanna make my way in this world. Sometimes, when you start to notice that your friend looks up to you in dressing, even at the bare minimal, you'll be urm-chioing (secretly feeling happy). hahaha.. As I quote to you, "Time flys, make life soar."
I don't know if my dressing is good or bad to you. I need feedbacks. But if you're so anti me. Go look at the mirror, maybe you turn yourself off too.
Hey, as long as I like it.
Life. It is indulging in it everyday.
till then;
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
My time and space to splash out all the sh*t.
There's been a lack of updates for the past 7 days. I'm really sorry to all who'd expected a lot or cared for me. I was that little bit sick, thus I used the time to rest instead of blogging. I may sound rude here, but.. hmm.. I know most of you guys are adhered to the routined daily updates or a post every alternate days, but we might be missing something here if you're reading this blog, that is: It's not going to be regular.
As much as I know I would be very, very grateful to have people reading this blog, I prefer each entry to be meaningful. My brain was not empty the past couple of days, but I'm not ready to blog. I feel like I would miss on lots of stuff that I wanna touch on, be it any topic.
I know I seem rather fierce and pressing, but that's what I need to get across. The above message is definitely not pointing its finger at anyone, but in general (HH, I'm not talking 'bout u. LoL).
hmm.. I use to like to bicker alot and on every opportunity, but I guessed I've changed. Now, I'm much milder. I know it's hard for anyone to notice. Hard to see, but I like to live my life, my way. I need comments certainly, but not too much. AhHhh, enough of nagging.
This post is damn boring, as far as I'm aware. Anyway, keep in check every few days. I'll be touching on a few traumatizing topics: Secondary 1 & 2's life, BeautifuLy broken story, my edge-crossing style.
They wont be extremely interesting, but this is just my space. You dont have to like it.
till then;