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Monday, November 27, 2006

-[ pink of health ]-

Exams crawled to an end finally and my health is picking up. Guess what, I go to bed much much earlier(11-1am) than in the past(3-5am)! Wakes up early in the morning having the feeling of the natural cool breeze on your face makes my day already.

In the past when I wake up in the afternoon, I've the stupid instinct as if I've wasted half of the day, some psychology obstacle I assume. And right now, I cant sleep past 8hours on average, seems very great to me!

Right now waiting for job, waiting for red to be ready to club, waiting for physical wounds heal! =D Very busy very busy!

till then; 10:42

Thursday, November 23, 2006

-[ Prelude ]-

I'm feeling the energy within me, waiting to be unleash.
But darling, Let me hug you.

I cant even recognise myself, is this me?
Preview of the metamorphorsis?

Pig out!


till then; 22:04

-[ New Direction ]-

Was rather aimless when I just finished A's. Now, I'm going crazy with so many tasks to complete. Aiming to attain my motorcycle licence by December which is why I'm packing the lessons very close to each other right now, while my motorcar first Basic Theory Test takes place in January on the 8th.

Tomorrow my hair will be undergoing revamp. Hope things go well, it'd better be so! If not the stylist is going to die for her crime. I must make sure things are right first before I let her touch it.

WorkWork, Dad has been trying to rope me in to work for him, $60/day, but I'm too interested. Looking for sales job. Preferably clothing sales, or cashier for food chain! Wee~ Hopefully I'll start work by January.

Prom will be near the end of December. Not really in the mood to shop for the attire yet. Want something me, something special. Hope I can do it. =)

I bless me.

till then; 21:24

-[ One ]-

perfetcLite.blogspot is one!(whispers: who cares anyway? no one view your blog anyway)

hmm? I thought I heard some sniggerings. LoL

Oh well, one full year of blogging, though not daily updates like some freaks who refer blogging as a job. And unlike desperados who enjoy the glamour and honour of having netizens view their blog, erms, I'm just very happy to have a place to store my memories. I dont wanna die, remembering nothing.

It's so weird to blog out your emotions out "on" the "public", even more so when you arent truly anon. That's why when you read other's blogs, most of the time, the entries are filled with angst and teenage rebellion(though some are really not teenagers already, they just wanna remain childish and they shall remain anon).

Rarely would you read of someone really covering all of their emotions in their entries. hmm.. the kind of blogging i still hate most is: I wokee uup today, veriie tiireed nnor. Then I weent too schooool, noothiing happeeened. aiyaa, veriie tiireed le, goodniight. Must tagg me hor!

**** yourself. LoL. Dont ask me why I'm doing all the bitching about others, just wanna shout out. wee~

No surprise sometimes I think whether anyone even read my blog, because the counter has always been rather faulty(registering all visits when it should register only unique visitors), and the tag board has been dead. Then again, I tell myself that even if only one person reads it, and it changed him, it's worth it. I do not have the strength to influence the world like some famous bloggers or celebrities are. But if I can help just one, I'm already very glad.

Blogging is fun. I dont like to explain things, so things i blog here often seems weird and most wouldnt understand what the toot I'm actually referring to. What I would say to you is, dont take the direct approach too serious. Comprehend what I'm trying to say generally, it may not apply to you, but you might learn something new, or something about me. =)

Happy Birthday, perfetcLite.blogspot

Arms wide open, words unspoken, the rest is still unwritten.
Write me.

till then; 21:08

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

-[ Post-Exams Blues ]-

It s***s when you finished your exams and you are left hanging in the air, when you cant work right now because of your travel plans, when you were so frantically squeezing in the last bit of whatever subject you were studying into your brain prior to the paper, when you have all the time but too many things you wanna accomplished that you end up doing none. Living a day at a time.

Then again, with all the time in the world currently, I tend to think more, maybe too much. Probably to the point that I became unsatisfied with many things, that I realised things should not be this way.

It's hard, when things became a habit and you finally realised you can't take it. I can change myself, but I changed others.

Ever since secondary school days, I've been put through quite a lot till I accepted change as a continual progression of my body and soul. But then I realised that most people around me dont like changes, prefers constants. That's when clashes arise, and to me, I dont like quarrels, so I would most of the time choose to compromise. Without doubt, as time passes, I realised I've lost myself(cliche, ya blah blah) and I dont know what I'm doing.

But I gotta say there's a limit.

I've gotta be me.

till then; 01:17

Sunday, November 19, 2006

-[ Hmms ]-

Examinations have finally come to a permernant halt. The only difference from when I finished the last paper two years back when I was sitting for the GCE 'O' Levels, was that i wasn't feeling the uncontrolled happiness and relief from all the stress and restrains.

There probably are some reasons to explain this phenomenon that many of my peers have experienced.

Simply/Firstly, back then, even if were to do badly, we know we have the Polytechnics to fall back on no matter what. But right now, it's a band-wagon jumping competition and to make it, you have to jump from this one that you are currently on(Junior College), to the destined one(University for most). It's not easy and if you fail, goodbye. Especially when our batch of students was from the year of large scale baby boom(52000 babies were born in Singapore in 1988). That would mean a larger number of students are in JCs and therefore, more stiff competition for the little space the University has to offer.

Either you retake the exams A YEAR LATER, or register to another institution which means it will take another couple of years again.

Sad to say, we wouldnt get to know how well we really do and what we eventually get in our results slip are relative to how other students across the island had performed in the same GCE 'A' level paper. With all the discrimination of studying ability casted by the authorities, public and the schools, it's hard(not impossible, i must clarify) for neighbourhood schools' students to stand up against "Top-notched" Junior Colleges' students. And the likes of Wee Shu Min, who are well-fed and well-groomed might view my blog(my honour? LoL) and start another round of criticism and backfiring, with the former laughing head over heels our my kitty-kat language skills and my inability to help myself. Oh well, I'm no RJ student, I should just sit and cry. LoL.

An equal platform of competition for everyone? I doubt so. Everyone is different, but we choose to judge them the same way. How good is that a gauge of our abilities and talents?
If you fail a math paper, does it make you lousy in math untimately if you can figure out a sudoku quiz in merely ten minutes?

No doubt the government has saw the shortcoming of the system, but the only question is, does it mean the people who already failed the system = sacrificial items?

How are we supposed to find the standing ground to establish our fighting ground if we do not have cash-flow like that of a never-ending river(Zheng Hu Lao Peh)?

Is being good in academic equivalent to our strengths in life?

Are our test scores reflective of our character? I think not.
Are they playing fields large enough to accomodate other sorts of talents and skills in Singapore?

Look at America, their students dont reflect the best in International Math and Science quizzes, but they are one of the best in innovations and enterprise? They aren't the ones who spoke perfect English too. Does it really matter? Singapore English very very bad meh? So, why not just ban diaglects from being spoken? LOL NO WE CANT, some people dont want riots and shaken their lightning roots.

Elites = Academic scores or rich dad's son.
Income = everything.

We people so far down, are rejects. Wow, a few millions rejects with a small proportion in the "mainstream". I wonder what i should be wondering.


I will still dye my hair, find a job, go crazy and live my life to the fullest somehow before my army days. Hopefully, I dont die in army, another place filled with discrimitnation, now against physciall abilities.

Till I get myresults.

till then; 23:56

Friday, November 10, 2006

[ countdown: 7days ]
destination: A new beginning.
implication: None

till then; 17:39

-[ Get cha sexy out! ]-

till then; 17:37

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